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Mental Health Awareness and Causes

Mental Health Awareness and Causes

Mental Health:

Dr. Frieda, and today i’m going to give you seven mental health benefits of exercise. now. we’ve all heard that exercise is good for you. we’ve all been told that you need to move your body. and we know that exercise is good for physical fitness and that it helps to reduce physical diseases such as heart disease and stroke, but what you may not know is that exercise is not just good for your body, it’s good for your brain, so today. i’m going to give you seven mental health benefits of exercise. keep writing.


Dr. Frieda, i’m a medical doctor who has been triple board certified. and today i’m going to give you seven mental health benefits of exercise, and at the end of this video, i’m going to give you a free download. That is sure to enhance your mental health, so let’s go number one exercise reduces stress. it decreases stress when you exercise, you increase the blood flow to the brain, and this enhances your body’s production of north epidemic rain, which is an organic chemical or neurotransmitter that helps to regulate stress exercise and also helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. so when you’re feeling stressed or at the end of a hard day’s work in order to exercise, you don’t have to put on expensive gym clothes and go work out for an hour and a half. if you don’t have to do all that. you can do something as simple as taking the stairs or going for a fifteen-minute walk or doing some push-ups in the corner, anything to get your blood flowing, so the number one way that exercise is a benefit for your mental health is it decreases stress. be sure to watch my video on five ways stress affects your health after you finish watching this video number two exercise decreases anxiety and depression studies have proven that exercise can reduce anxiety and depression. here’s what happens when you exercise your body releases endorphins. endorphins are your body’s natural hormone that makes you feel good. it’s like a feel good hormone, and it gives you a natural high, and it makes you feel less pain, and it makes you feel euphoria, so exercising by releasing this hormone automatically can make you feel happier when you exercise, you also increase your release of serotonin. which also is a neurotransmitter which can help you to feel happier. one study in particular showed that when people either ran for fifteen minutes for walked for one hour, they had increased self-reported happiness. it actively was correlated with less depression. watch my YouTube video on five life altering types of anxiety disorders after you finish.

Important Tips for Exercise:

Number three exercise can improve your self-esteem and who doesn’t want to hide self-esteem when you exercise. and you get more physically fit, and you feel like you’re more attractive, you tend to feel better about yourself. it boosts your confidence. also, the endorphins in and of themselves can increase your confidence in your feeling of self-worth, so exercise can be another mental health benefit because it increases self-steam. also, when you participate in group activities such as team sports, this fosters more socialization. which can also boost your self-esteem. number four exercise can improve your memory. that’s right, it can actually help you to remember things more. studies have shown that there is a direct link between people who exercise and people who have better memories when you exercise. you increase your body’s production of b d in f that’s brain derived neurotropic factor. and what this does is it helps to protect and to restore neurons. it also helps your body to process information better. it’s better for your learning. it can help your memory, so if you want to help to enhance your memory. get on up and exercise number five, exercise improves creativity and focus when you exercise and you increase your body’s neurotransmitter that nor epinephrine, it increases your concentration. people who exercise tend to have more brain energy, they tend to have more creative juices, and they can focus. get more done. so the next time you have writer’s block or if you just can’t get your mind going to do whatever creative things you need to do or to focus, get a go for a job. Go for a brisk walk, and this may help your creativity and focus number six exercise can help to decrease addiction. you can be addicted to many things, drugs, alcohol, you can be addicted to chocolate to food when you have addiction, especially some drug addictions, your body is looking for a dopamine, which helps you to fill a euphoria. but when you exercise and your body produces that natural high via endorphins, this can give your body that you forget that it’s looking for, while exercise certainly does not replace any drug addiction program or any mental health counseling, it certainly can help, so try exercise in order to help to decrease addiction to the. number seven exercise can help to improve brain aging as we get older, our brain shrinks were more forgetful. we have that memory loss, and we tend to concentrate less. this is just a part of life as you get older. your memory decreases, and some people are actually predisposed to dementia or alzheimer’s. if you exercise. you can enhance your memory. you can produce that chemical, which helps to protect your neurons and to restore your neurons, and you can also actually enhance the cells in your hippocampus, which is a part of your brain that is essential for good memory exercise, also promotes your prefrontal cortex, which also aids in memory. and so in order to maximize your brain health and your memory as you get older, you definitely want to exercise. i told you that i have a free download for you, and i do. if you click the link in my description, you can download tin healthy habits for a better you and a better life. these are habits that include exercise in other ways to enhance your mental well-being. i hope you enjoyed this video. if you found it to be helpful and informative, please like it and please share it with the people you care about.


Remember, you don’t have to exercise for hours and hours in order for its account, okay. you don’t have to have an expensive gym membership. the optimal exercise is thirty to sixty minutes of moderate to intense cardiovascular activity five days a week, even if you get in three to four days a week, it will definitely enhance your mental health, and remember, exercise does not have to be consecutive. you can do a ten-minute walk during your lunch break. or you can take the stairs up and down for ten minutes, and you can get accumulates of daily exercise of thirty minutes, but break it up in increments. you can do yoga stretches, you can do sit ups, you can do a nice little brisk job. you can come up with many ways to exercise, even cleaning your house. you can vacuum and put some infant to it and make it a cardiovascular activity. the key is to make sure that you take care of yourself by doing exercise. and it will help to improve your mental help. i want you to continue to do your best to live your healthiest. happiest life.

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